Meg and outside the house. We took this one to show to people so they could see that there are two of us. (Most people in village still think that I am Meg).

Children in my home using Slinkies for the first time. Wish there were stairs!!!

All tired out. It was neat when I gave them the slinkies-- two of them for five kids-- and they just sat down and worked it out. Lots of cooperation and no fighting over the slinkies. I only had to intervene when they entangled the slinkies. I like typing slinkies. Slinkies.

Marc and I, chillin'. He was far too busy working on his masterpiece to be bothered with a mere portrait.

This was a tribute for Vi. And all the others in my life who love to play with their food. It took long enough to buy, clean and cut the vegetables that I wasn't ready to be done playing with them yet.

Neighbors hanging out on my porch after a tidal wave of a rainstorm. Angela (pronounced "Angel" is sweeping my porch like a sweetheart.

Everyone wants their picture taken. After Vitale took this he pronounced, "Black and white!"

The one on the right is Vitale, who speaks english and is vegetarian (for ethical reasons! so different for a Beninese). I believe he also fancies having his photo taken : )

Rain in my concession

Marc (pronounced Mock), le petit artist
Things are going great.
Love, Kara
I love the food face...It's my new background!! I am so glad things are going great!! I miss you terribly!! I can't wait to see you in 2010 for Nicolio's wedding!!!