The sunset over fellow volunteer Glenna's village, Azolwisse (spelling?). This is the view from her porch. It's very, very hard not to be jealous.

The valley near Adjoun where much of the regoin's produce is grown.

The river near Adjoun. People bathe in, swim in, do laundry in, haul water from and gaze at the river.

The path along the river in Adjoun. Pictured are Vitale and friend Allinest, who lives there. Adjoun is about 45 minutes North of my village by moto.

I have furniture!!! The couch and table are new. I put my books under the table, then when I go to Cotonou I take all the ones I've read and switch them out at the Peace Corps library. Books in english, woohoo!

HIV/AIDS rapid testing in Lake (lah-kay), the village next to mine. When I did it there were about a hundered teenage boys watching, to see if the Yovo would flinch at the prick, so I smiled, shrugged and said "It was nothing," afterward. They laughed.
The sunset is National Geographic material. I studied it from different angles and the lines and lighting changed. Beautiful.